Search results for “” (60)

Introducing a completely universal GNSS receiver

marXact is a young dutch startup, founded to develop and produce universal and cost efficient GNSS receivers with high accuracy. To introduce their brand new UNI line, their new UNI-GR1 RTK GNSS receiver was shown at InfraTech 2019 and a video promotion campaign was launched on GIM International around this event. We have promoted their brand new product video via our website, newsletter and social media.

Target group
GIM International

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Basic Featured Video

7 - 20 January

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Case study
Content Marketing
Advanced Targeted Marketing
Introducing a completely universal GNSS receiver

Advanced Targeted Marketing

We reach the largest global audience in the field of geomatics, hydrography, industrial technology and adjacent areas. Our database offers unmatched access to people, data, insights and knowledge. In combination with our diverse array of communication channels, we form the link in the interaction between professional buyers and businesses!

Reaching the right professionals is key! With our advanced targeted marketing solutions we offer the opportunity to match your marketing message with the right potential buyer!

Advanced Targeted Marketing

What is Advanced Targeted Marketing? [infographic]

Our brands all focus on niche markets such as geomatics, hydrography and technical industry. With advanced targeted marketing, however, we take it one step further, by offering even more specific target groups within these niches. The purpose of this is to increase the relevance of the message and to increase the conversion percentage. While traditional campaigns often focus on quantity and a wide audience, advanced targeted marketing focuses on pure quality with a very specific approach. Do you want to know how this works and whether this solution fits your marketing plans?

Database Marketing
Advanced Targeted Marketing
What is Advanced Targeted Marketing? [infographic]

Flying geospatial solutions in Tanzania

senseFly offers various solutions like drones, 360 solutions and software, which are being used in divergent industries like Surveying, Agriculture, Engineering, Mining and Mapping. To explore how their drone solutions are employed around the globe, they have written a lot of case studies and made some very interesting creative materials, among which videos. As part of a larger marketing campaign with premium display ads, direct emails and case studies, senseFly asked us to promote one of their videos to a relevant audience. The video focusses on the senseFly eBee drone, which is being used in Tanzania to optimise the efficiency of a cement plant and limestone quarry.

Target group
GIM International

Sponsored Content

Basic Featured Video

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Increase of views

Case study
Video Marketing
Flying geospatial solutions in Tanzania

The strength of B2B e-mail marketing

Digital newsletters are an excellent way to regularly keep your customers and contacts informed about developments and new content. The dynamic nature of newsletters and average open rates of 20 to 25% make e-mail marketing a very powerful instrument in your B2B marketing strategy.

Database Marketing
Content Marketing
Marketing Strategy
The strength of B2B e-mail marketing